Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012


this time stop to say confused , its not time to sing "im so tired" -  the fab four. How i can be poor if i stay in the middle this statement :I'm so tired, I haven't slept a wink -----I'm so tired, my mind is on the blink 
I wonder should I get up and fix myself a drink -----I'm so tired, I don't know what to do
I'm so tired, my mind is set on you ------I wonder should I call you but I know what you'd do
You'd say I'm putting you on ------But it's no joke ------It's doing me harm, you know I can't sleep
I can't stop my brain, you know it's three weeks -------I'm going insane
You know I'd give you everything I've got -----for a little peace of mind 

this time to pray . fullfill all my need for my future , and grow confidence , like Al Qarni said :
With your beauty, you are better than the sun; with your morals you are more sublime than musk; with your modesty you are nobler than the full moon; with your compassion you a more beneficial than rain. So, preserve your beauty with faith, your tranquillity with contentment, your chastity with hijab.
Remember that your adornment is not gold, silver or diamond, rather, it is two rak’ahs at Fajr going thirsty when you fast for Allah, concealed charity which no one knows except Him, hot tears that wash away sin, a lengthy prostration born of utter submission to Allah, shyness before Allah when the inclination to do evil overwhelms you.
Clothe yourself with the garments of taqwa (piety) for you are the most beautiful woman in the world, even if your clothes are shabby. Clothe yourself with cloak of modesty, for you are the most beautiful woman in the world even if you are barefoot.
Beware of the life bewitching immoral disbelieving women, for they are the fuel of the fire of Hell.

O’ sincere Muslim, O’ believing woman who constantly turns to Allah, the Exalted, be like the palm tree and rise above evil and harm; if a stone is thrown at the palm tree, it lets its fruit drop (and does not retaliate). It remains green summer and winter, and gives many benefits. Do not lower yourself to the level of trivial matters, and rise above all that may damage your modesty and honour.
A man had an argument with his wife and said, "I am going to make your life miserable." The wife calmly replied, "You cannot do that." He said, "Why not?" She said: "If happiness were to be found in money or jewellery, you could deprive me of it and take it away from me, but it is nothing over which you or any other person has control. I find happiness in my faith, and my faith is in my heart, and no one has power over it except my Lord."
The One Who created happiness is the Most Gracious, Most Merciful, so how can you seek happiness from anyone other than Him? If people had control over happiness, there would be no deprived or grieving person left on earth.

"Do not give up on yourself, because change is usually slow; you will encounter obstacles that will discourage you, but do not let these obstacles defeat you."
"Your gold is your religion, your adornment is your moral attitude, and your wealth is your good manners."
"When distress strikes and calamities come one after another, then say: La ilaha illallah."
"Take from the breeze its tenderness, from the musk its fragrance and from the mountains steadfastness."
"Do not make your problems the subject of conversations with others, for by doing so you create a barrier between yourself and happiness."
"The mother whose child falls from a high place should not waste time weeping; rather, she should focus on tending to his injuries."
"The most sincere generosity comes from those who do not have anything but recognise the value of a kind word and a smile, How many people give, but it is as if they are giving a slap."
"The most difficult time could be made easier by the smile of a confident person."
"Prepare for the worst, then you will feel that things are getting better."
"Do not feel sad or miserable because of some work that you could not complete, rather you should understand that the work of great people is never done."
"Be happy now, today, not tomorrow." 
"Frustration is your worst enemy, for it has the power to destroy peace of mind."

"Your happiness does not depend on anyone else, rather, it is in your hands."
"Work is the fuel of hope and the enemy of failure."
"Yesterday is a dream that has gone and tomorrow is merely a beautiful hope. Only today is real."
"Physical well-being comes from eating little, mental well-being comes from sinning little, well-being of the heart comes from worrying little and well-being of the tongue comes from speaking little."
"Is she happy who shows her beauty to the dogs of mankind and displays her charm to the wolves of them?"
"Men regret speaking, but he will never regret silence."
"In order to be beautiful, your thoughts should be so."
"Man finds happiness in a word that comes from the lips of a woman."
"The strongest fortress is a righteous woman."
"Nothing raises the status of a woman like chastity."
"If a beautiful woman is a jewel, a righteous woman is a treasure."
"The best thing a man can have is a faithful wife."
"Be beautiful and you will see the world beautiful."

"A wise man said: ‘I have never regretted what I did not say, but I have often regretted what I did say.’"
"Do not wait to be happy so that you smile but smile to be happy."
"Be optimistic, even if you are in the eye of the storm."
"Soon the flowers will bloom, grief will depart and happiness will prevail.
"Leave the wrongdoer to the court of the Hereafter when there will be no judge but Allah"
"Sickness is a message in which there is a glad tiding; and good health is a garment that has a price."
"Plant a tasbih (saying Subhan Allah) in a second, an idea in a minute, and a deed in an hour."
"Control your thoughts and you will be happy."
"The successful woman is supplicated for, praised by her husband, loved by her neighbours and respected by her friends."
"All people will live, the one who lives in a palace and the one who lives in a hovel. But who is the one who is happy?"
"Wipe away the tears of the orphan in order to attain the pleasure of the Most Merciful and a house in Paradise."
"Prayer is guaranteed to bring tranquillity and chase away worry."
"Buy with charity the du’a and love of the poor and needy."
"Allah loves those who repent and turn to Him."

"Giving up sin is Jihad (fighting in Allah’s Cause), but persisting in it is stubbornness."
"How can he feel relaxed or content, who harms a Muslim or a slave?"
"Beware of the du’a of the one who has been wronged and the tears of the one who has been deprived."
"In the sound heart there is no room for shirk (polytheism), deceit, rancour or envy."
"The wise woman turns a desert into a beautiful garden."
"Futile arguments and trivial discussions take away the sense of peace and tranquillity."
"Wherever you go and find darkness in your life; what you have to do is to light the lamp within yourself."
"Changing from bad to good is a long-term adventure, but it is wonderful."
"If you give in to despair, you will learn nothing and you will never find happiness."
"Check your past and your present, for life is a sequence of experiences from which one should emerge victorious."
"Do not be content to have some dark areas in your life, for the light is there; all you have to do is to turn it on and see it shining."
"Stop regretting your sin and think about the good deeds with which you are going to replace it."
"Happiness exists in you and you should focus your efforts on yourself."
"We need money in order to live but that does not mean that we need to live for the sake of money."

"Cast away all discouraging thoughts that make you feel helpless, and focus on success, then you will never fail."
"If you fail in one of your deeds, you should not give in to despair; do not worry and never doubt that you will find a solution."
"Do not complain about your problems except to those who can help you with advice and kind words."
"The mother whose child falls from a high place should not waste time weeping; rather, she should focus on tending to his injuries."
"Learn how to co-exist with fear and it will disappear."
"Prepare for the worst, then you will feel that things are getting better."
"Do not worry about things that you cannot perform, rather, spend time on improving what you can improve."
"Be happy with what is in your hand, content with whatever Allah has decreed and give up all daydreams that do not suit your efforts and abilities."
"If you have made mistakes in the past, learn from them, then let them go."
"Do not be a chronic complainer, or an amateur complainer!"
"Self-confidence means finding meaning in life regardless of your age; and being able to gain more from life."
"Regret cannot salvage a ship from the bottom of the sea."
"The value of life is to live every minute of it."
"We cannot change the past or draw the future as we want. Why should we kill ourselves regretting something that we cannot change?"

"There is nothing difficult or impossible in life so long as you are able to work and move."

"There is one way that leads to happiness: stop being worried about the things beyond your control."
"You should not spend half your life in disputes."

"We waste our happy times for valueless things."
"Always bear in mind the picture of success and keep it alive in your mind."
"Dismiss the idea of failure out of your mind."
"Thinking of happiness will inevitably lead to thinking of what comes before and after, and that, in itself, spoils the sense of happiness."
"Of quickest message of happiness to others is a sincere smile from the heart."
"A false smile is a blunt sign of hypocrisy."
"The way to happiness is in front of you, so seek it by means of knowledge, righteous deeds and a good attitude. Be moderate in all your affairs and you will be happy."
"A woman may turn the home into a paradise or into an unbearable hell."
"The greatest blessing is goodness in the soul which makes one happy."
"Count Allah’s blessings upon you, not your problems."
"Real beauty lies in beautiful behaviour, manners and mind"
"Foul tongues causes more trouble to their owners than to their victims."
"The happiest man is the one who makes the largest number of people happy."
"The wise man seeks to benefit from wise opinions; he never despairs or gives up thinking and trying."
"Frustration is your worst enemy, for it has the power to destroy peace of mind."
And end of song is baraka allohuma lakuma .... :)

Sabtu, 05 Mei 2012


Ketika saya hampir mendekati finish, saya digoyahkan oleh yang menurut teman saya 'triakan makhluk kasat mata namun 'mulutnya harimaunya'..padahal sebelumnya saya mendapatkan perasaan yakin dan mantap tiada tara. lalu dia kata saya sedang di uji. Entah bukan namun saya harap adalah kebenaran. Karena meskipun batin ini goyah, pada kenyataanya saya selalu bersiap dan mempersiapkan alias maju lurus. Apapun itu yang saya kerjakan semoga adalah bimbingan Tuhan. Lalu penglihatan kiri saya berdetak detak , kadang kala namun jelas. Itukah pertanda saya akan dipertemukan dengan ibu ke dua saya??? Lalu kelopak indra pandangan kanan ini terkejut kejut berirama dan berkontinyu...Itukah pertanda saya akan mendapatkan ria gempita dan keberkahan Tuhan tiada nilainya? Dalam doa saya namanya tersebut dalam doa saya kemantapan hati ku pasrahkan ... Dia pemilik jiwa dan hati..Dia pemilik masa depan kami...Dia ,hanya Dia saya mempertaruhkan perasaan dan tubuh ini...Dan pada akhirnya saya dibawa dan digelincirkan pada kekokohan dan  dilindungi serta diselamatkan bersama kenaifan saya memilih dia.. Hanya Tuhan yang menuntun hanya Tuhan yang menjunjung dengan segala keberkahan yang telah dan akan kami terima ..Dimana baginya hanya secuil tiada berarti yang datang menjadi hujanan berkat tiada terhingga....a m i n

بارك الله لكما وبارك عليكما
وجمع بينكما في خير
بارك الله لكما وبارك عليكما
وجمع بينكما في خير

بارك الله
بارك الله لكم ولنا
الله بارك لهما
الله أدم حبهما
الله صلّي وسلّم على رسول الله
الله تب علينا
الله ارض عنا
الله اهد خطانا
على سنة نبينا

Jumat, 02 Maret 2012


Kulihat Parmin di sana, meluapkan tawa
Anna melintas
Bersama, meluangkan
Nasibmu indah di sana
Melukis prahara
Dia melintas bersama

Preman kudisan di alam bahagia
Melupakan neraca sang krodat

Parmin terlambai dalam
Kisah cinta prahara
Dia bersinar melayang

Dia melepas semua tabu fana
Ku bangga tertawa bersama
Kuharu menatap berkaca
cintanya... di alamnya ... di asalnya ... Bahagia 

Minggu, 12 Februari 2012


Your truly the best,a bless, the greatest girl i know, 
you made my life worth living, baby and it shows. 
I want to have you c 
loser to me, 
to feel happly home. 
i want to promise that i'll never leave you alone. 

For one thing i'm really sure for you my love has no way? 
And nothing in this world can separate us, 
So until then 
Saat tiba waktunya terasa  biasa saja, namun terbersit pertanyaan mengganjal  akan  keyakinan dirinya. Apakah  dia tidak menyesal memilih  saya mengingat kita sudah hampir berada di garis finish.... setengah bertanggung jawab terhadap diri kami masing masing dan satu sama lain. Saya  berasa berada di " bunga tidur" . Apakah dia tidak menyesal dengan keberadaan saya yang sering meledak - ledak? seperti chibi maruko chan atau lilo? atau  teroris yang tiba tiba erupsi... Saya  mengikrarkan diri  (bahkan seja dulu ketika saya menyesali diri karena selalu "gempar" atau "gempa" )saya akan lebih respect pada dia. Yang akan sepenuhnya dimana saya mengais pahala padanya. sumber bekal menuju surga, pangeran dunia saya kelak. Dan ketika saya semakin menyadari betapa bodohnya ketika keputusan tergesa gesa dibuat apalagi mengikut campurkan sang emosi tinggi. Mulai saat kemaren, saya akan melepaskan " si tanduk merah"..  saya akan setengah mengabdikan sifat saya yang buruk pada patung menjulang nun jauh dan tinggi, tanpa pamrih, tanpa ada niat untuk mengambilnya kembali. Selanjutnya saya akan menghitung hari demi hari... ya menghitung walaupun tanpa saya sadari dan saya hitung betapa banyak sudah waktu yang berlalu cepat satu demi satu saya lewati. Mulai saat ini saya sibukkan diri untuk meminta dan meminta lalu meminta... berkah , anugrah tertinggi pada Nya. Hanya Dia dan hanya kami berdua yang tahu bagaimana guncangan hasrat itu sedemikian menggebunya. Satu lankah lagi menuju kesempurnaan . Saya menginginkan kelulusan . Akan semua ujian di depan.... Untuk kemudian saya menemukan satu lagi sayap saya yang tercecer di belahan bumi (yang mungkin sudah saya temukan).....

Jumat, 10 Februari 2012


entah apa  yang terjadi dengan saya...tiba tiba muncul  kebanggaan dan menanti nanti. yang saya  maksud adalah menanti datangnya kantuk . sambil  berharap berharap ada sapaan yang mengagetkan.. lalu  terlarut dan terlarut dalam obrolan semu nan panjang dan absurd... lalu kembali berpikir untuk hari esok yang menjemukan diamana  terpaksanya mulut ini terkatup dengan sistem yang sudah tercipta.

Minggu, 29 Januari 2012


Girl just take off yo socks Let me lick on yo feet

Iíll rub yo body & watch you roll yo eyes to the ceiling
Wonít you lay on down, let my face be yo linen
Címon and sho me yo ways This is our honeymoon day
(Weíve been waiting for this day)
Letís just free our bodies like the last day of living
girl we can be real naughty thereís no need for forgiving
Wonít ya dance for me, let my face be your mirror
Címon and sho me yo ways, this is our honeymoon day
Weíve been waiting for this day


Cos' it's a bittersweet symphony this life... 

Trying to make ends meet , you're a slave to the money then you die. 

I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down... 

You know the one that takes you to the places where all the veins meet , yeah. 

No change, I can't change, I can't change, I can't change, 

but I'm here in my mold , I am here in my mold. 

But I'm a million different people from one day to the next... 

I can't change my mold, no, no, no, no, no, no, no 

Jumat, 27 Januari 2012


Oh, the, Razor blade, that’s what I call love
I bet you pick it up and mess around with it
If I put it down
It gets extremely complicated
Anything to forget everything
You got to take me out
At least once a week
Whether I’m in your arms
Or I’m at your feet
I know exactly what you’re thinking
You won’t say it now
But in your heart it’s loud

Oh no, my feelings are more important than yours
Oh, drop dead, I don’t care, I won’t worry
There you go
Oh, the razor blade
Wish it would snap this rope
The world is in your hand
Or it’s at your throat
At times it’s not that complicated
Anything to forget everything
He would never talk
But he was not shy
She was a street-smart girl
But she could not lie
They were perfect for each other
Say it now
Cause in your heart it’s loud
Oh no, my feelings are more important than yours
Oh, drop dead, I don’t care, I won’t worry
Your feelings are more important of course
Of course
Everyone you wanted
Everything that we would take from them
I don’t wanna know, I don’t wanna know
Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me
no, don’t, okay


Every Sunday 

I go to Hollywood 
I buy my ticket 
To see the midnight show
And every Sunday 
I live my honeymoon 
You rule my body 
I just feel how it's good 

My mind aches 
You bust my real thoughts 
When you're with me 
Till the night's away
I am sittin' 
I watch the fireworks 
It's no matter of time 
I feel the midnight crush

Feelin' without knowing the other 
Tonight, let me handle this affair 
Let me handle this affair

There's no ending 
Light fades in my eyes 
I don't want nobody 
To burn my Hollywood


Hook up with me, meet at the rally
Follow the shouting, I am longing for you Hook up with me, meet at the rally I waited so long, I couldn't find a cause Tired or wasted I think you're decent I waited so long, there'll be no decency no

(don't you give me those)
Shifty eyes pay attention
Dirty talk talk talk quiet
Just as long as you're gone
It won't happen at all

Remember the time we talked about everlastings?
Don't you know we'll both fall to pieces too?
April 22nd at the Avalon, you teased me
Hook up with me, meet at the rally

Shifty eyes pay attention
Dirty talk talk talk quiet
Just as long as you're gone
It won't happen at all

Don't go away we're so near
Look around, you see
There is nothing to say but the things I know I got nothing to say but the things I know

Standing in line, I think you're pretty
Lying on your bed, I think you're pretty too Young girl curl your hair at night Hook up with me, meet at the rally

(don't you give me those)
Shifty eyes pay attention
Dirty talk talk talk quiet
Just as long as you're gone
It won't happen at all

Shifty eyes pay attention
Dirty talk talk talk louder
Just as long as you're gone
I won't leave you alone

Rabu, 25 Januari 2012


Always when we fight
I try to make you laugh
Until everything's forgotten
I know you hate that

ba ba ra ra ba ba ba ba
ba ba ra ra ba ba ba ba

Always when we fight
I kiss you once or twice
And everything's forgotten
I know you hate that

Sabtu, 21 Januari 2012


merindukanmu ingin seperti dulu
saat terindah bersamamu sayang
satu kesempatan akan ku buktikan
ya memang salahku maafkan aku, maafkan aku oh


are you just like me????.........

By starlight I’ll kiss you
And promise to be your one and only
I’ll make you feel happy
And leave you to be lost in mine
And where will we go, what will we do?
Soon said i, will know
Dead eyes, are you just like me?
’cause her eyes were as vacant as the seas
Dead eyes, are you just like me?
And all along, we knew we’d carry on just to belong
By starlight I know you
As lovely as a wish granted true
My life has been empty, my life has been untrue
And does she really know, who I really am?
Does she really know me at last
Dead eyes, are you just like me?


Setiap orang pasti mau sukses. Berikut saya bagi dari hal dasar yaitu memahami faktor faktor yang mempengaruhi kesuksesan itu sendiri ( saya sajikan dalam kalimat yang singkat saja ) , melakukan mapping , mendahsyatkan potensi diri , dan pandai memanfaatkan kesempatan.

Faktor faktor yang berada disekitar kesuksesan
1. Yang pertama adalah hidup, yaitu hidup kita sendiri. Ingatlah !  Hidup adalah pilihan dan tiap pilihan
mengandung resiko.
2. Kunci sukses, yaitu keberanian mengambil resiko. 
3. Kekokohan jiwa dan kesabaran
4. Jangan tergesa gesa
5. Sukses dengan Iman sempurna , ibadah , amal salih dan akhlak yang baik.

Melakukan Mapping
Mapping adalah peta pikiran , visualisasi pikiran. Media melakukan Mapping bisa agenda , diary ,dll.
Kata kunci dalam Mapping :
- Begin with end of mind : mulai dari tujuan akhir kita
- Think Globally Act Locally , Think Big Start Small : berpikir global , kerjakan yang lokal , Berpikir besar , mulai dari yang kecil.
- Act now, start from your self : bekerja sekarang , mulailah dari dirimu sendiri.
- Think first , do fast : terdepan dalam berpikir , tercepat dalam berbuat
- Tulislah apa yang dikerjakan , kerjakan apa yang dituliskan
- Open Mind , Open Hand , Open Heart , Open Self

Jumat, 20 Januari 2012


Melambung  kini aku berlari 
lepas dari benang lama yang mengikat 
lagu lama yang berputar 
Melambung  kini aku melaju 
pergi jauh terbawa arus yang kencang 
tak ingat wajah yang keji 



Leave me alone
I'm in control
I'm in control
And girls lie too much
And boys act too tough
Enough is enough


I don't wanna waste your time,
I don't wanna waste your time.
I just wanna say-
I've got to say,
We worked hard, darlin'
We don't have no control
We're under control



Take me with you for Wonderland
You know everything like superman
Let's go
Just like Disney ice cream castle 


@ grEAt vIdEo kLIp

I took an air-rifle, shot a magpie to the ground & it died without a sound.
Your skin so pale against the fallen Autumn leaves &
no-one saw us but the trees.

Yeah, the trees, those useless trees produce the air that I am breathing.
Yeah, the trees, those useless trees; they never said that you were leaving.


When I was younger I saw my daddy cry

and curse at the wind.
He broke his own heart and I watched
as he tried to reassemble it.

And my momma swore
that she would never let herself forget.
And that was the day that I promised
I'd never sing of love if it does not exist.


Tired out, Not a miracle in this.

Oh yeah...Sad is for the lonely.
Wishin' tears.
Tried nothing if you dropped dead.
Not a miracle in years..
That's for the lonely.
Wishin' this this is is sarian, this this is is yourian.


If I felt in love with you,

Would you promise to be true

And help me understand?
'Cause I've been in love before
And I found that love was more
Than just holdin' hands.

If I give my heartTo you,
I must be sure
From the very startThat you
Would love me more than her.
If I trust in you
Oh, please,
Don't run and hide.


          Surga begitu sepi
          Tapi aku ingin tetap disini
           Karena kuingat janjimu Tuhan
          Kalau aku datang dengan berjalan
  Engkau akan menjemputku dengan berlari-lari  ^ _ ^
        ( Andrea H S , Laskar Pelangi , 182 )


Engkaulah gulita
yang memupuskan segala batasan dan alasan
Engkaulah petunjuk jalan
menuju palung kekosongan dalam samudera terdalam
Engkaulah sayap tanpa tepi
yang membentang menuju tempat tak bernama namun terasa ada
Ajarkan aku
melebur dalam gelap tanpa harus lenyap
merengkuh rasa takut tanpa perlu surut
bangun dari ilusi namun tak memilih pergi
Tunggu aku
yang hanya selangkah dari bibir jurangmu
( from akar - dewi lestari)

Yang Terhempas Dan Yang Putus

Kelam dan angin malam mempesiang diriku

Menggigir juga ruang dimana dia yang ku ingin
Malam makin merasuk , rimba jadi semati tugu

Di karet , di karet ( daerahku y.a.d ) sampai juga deru angin

Aku berbenah didalam kamar , dalam diriku jika kau datang
dan aku bisa lagi lepaskan kisah baru padamu
tapi kini hanya tinggal tangan yang bergerak lantang
tubuhku diam dan sendiri , cerita dan peristiwa berlalu beku 

                                                                     Mr. Chairil Anwar